Trunk or Treat - SOLD OUT 2020-10-25


Trunk or Treat - SOLD OUT for 2020-10-25


Join us for Trunk or Treat - another Pradera Tradition!

Though this year presents many COVID related challenges, we feel it is important to put this event on to provide some fun for the kids that have already lost out on so much.

Usually this event is open to the Pradera Community, but this year it will be open to members and guests only to provide a smaller and safer environment.

The event will be outside in the roundabout near the front entrance, as usual, and the kids will be in costumes that perhaps include a mask.

Candy will be distributed from the decorated golf carts, by a gloved hand, using a scoop, to minimize contact.

Those distributing candy will be masked - Halloween mask or otherwise ;)

Music | Games | Candy | Family Fun

We are actively seeking volunteers to Sponsor A Cart and help make this event possible.

Sponsoring a cart means arriving up to 1 hour early with decorations to decorate a golf cart, providing candy for the Trunk or Treaters, and distributing the candy (gloves and scoops will be provided).

Business Owners - this is the one opportunity per year that members are permitted to promote their businesses from their sponsored cart.

Please consider sponsoring a cart to help us provide this fun event to all of these wonderful kids!

Please register to attend on ForeTees so we know how many kids to expect.

Happy Halloween!

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