Trivia Night in the Grill 2018-09-12



Trivia Night in the Grill for 2018-09-12

Do you know the song name and band just from reading a few lyrics? Can you recognize movie stars no matter their age? Would you like to show off your knowledge? Then Trivia Night is just for you! Join us in the Grill as teams compete for prizes.
Teams may be made of 2 to 6 people. Please, have 1 person from each team register the team with a team name. (Feel free to look up some funny puns!) Space is limited so register today! 
Trivia will be presented in two rounds of ten questions. 
Cellphones and Tablets will not be allowed. Sorry, there is no calling a friend. 
Prizes will be given to the first and second placed teams for EACH round! 
The event is complimentary with a food or drink purchase to play and welcome to all ages.
Reservations are required.

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