Koch Kindness Crusade Saturday, October 21, 2023


Koch Kindness Crusade for Saturday, October 21, 2023




In times of adversity, our community stands strong, offering a helping hand and a shoulder to lean on.

We invite you to join us for a special Community Support Happy Hour, as we come together to provide assistance and hope to the Koch family

that recently lost their home on Carefree Trail in a devastating fire.

Your presence at this event will make a significant impact in helping our neighbors recover from this devastating loss.

Let's stand together as a community and show them that they are not alone in this journey toward healing and rebuilding.

Many club members and community members have reached out wanting to offer monetary and moral support to this wonderful family.

Feel free to bring gift cards, smiles, and hugs!

Cheryl and Keith Koch are new to Pradera and have been eager to connect with new friends and neighbors.

Take this opportunity to meet this wonderful couple and offer your support to them.

Registration is encouraged, but not required on Pradera ForeTees.

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